Important Notice
It is hereby announced for general information of all the candidates that they are to communicate directly with the Staff Selection Commission (Southern Region) for any of their grievances or query pertaining to their application.
The Office of the Commission is located at II floor EVK Sampath Building, College Road, Chennai 600006.
It is for the information of all candidates that the Commission does not accept application fee through Money Order/Demand Draft. Application fee is accepted only through CRFS duly cancelled by the Post Office or through IPO for certain specific examinations. Candidates should also note that the Commission does not call candidates for verification of testimonials before the open examination and therefore, any letter stating as issued by the Commission for verification of testimonials should immediately be brought to the notice of the Commission.
Candidates should be watchful of unknown letters or references claiming to be communications from the Commission. Such letters or references should immediately be brought to the notice of the Commission, to verify the authenticity.
All important developments are posted on this website. They may also visit the Office of the Commission at II floor, EVK Sampath Building, College Road, Chennai 600006 or contact us at 9445195946, 044-28251139 for any information/query.
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